Ed. Makes Back to School Easy
Spend $30 or more in one transaction at any participating back-to-school retailer and present your valid receipts at our concierge desk near What’s Cooking to claim your $20 gift card. Limited cards available per day, limited to one card per customer, per day.
List of participating retailers includes:
- Amelia Jacobs
- Chemistworks
- City Chic
- Colour Loft
- Duke Store
- Ed.Square Dental
- Educo Tutoring
- Eye Concepts
- Flashh Menswear
- Grooming Alchemist
- Just Sport
- Kwerki Kulture
- Mancave Barbershop
- Medispecs
- Quickfit Alterations
- Smart Kingdom
- Well-Healed Shoes
- What’s Cooking
Due to variations in EFTPOS terminals used by some retailers, there may be instances where our gift cards cannot be accepted. We recommend checking with the intended retailer beforehand to ensure they can process transactions with our gift cards.
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